Exciting News!

The foundations are going up on Sylvan Blvd in Henderson County on 4 affordable homes. Stay tuned for more updates as progress continues!

July 1st, 2024

The Housing Assistance Corporation extends a warm welcome to Margaret Fenton Lebeck, our new executive director. Margaret holds a master’s degree in Peace, Conflict, and Development and completed a Certificate in Managerial Leadership at Goizueta Business School, Emory University. She also earned bachelor’s degrees in Anthropology and Sociology, Photojournalism, and French. Margaret is a recipient of the Rotary International World Peace Fellowship and the Fulbright Award and is a Phi Beta Kappa member.

The entire HAC community welcomes Margaret to the organization as she begins her journey with Housing Assistance!

“I am thrilled to join the HAC team as the Executive Director during this crucial period for housing in Western North Carolina. I am eager to lead the partnerships and projects that will continue the organization's legacy of transformative change.”

Margaret Fenton Lebeck, Executive Director

Kaitlynn Lovelace Kaitlynn Lovelace

HAC 2020 Bear Autumn Is All Moved In

Autumn is all moved in to her home at Coldwell-Banker-King-Hendersonville NC!

COVID-19 has had an immeasurable impact on the scale of events happening this year, but it could not stop the annual Downtown Hendersonville's BearFootin’ Art Walk Auction from being a success for the Housing Assistance Corporation! This year, the Housing Assistance Corporation's charity bear, "Autumn," painted by local artist Rich Prazan, was sponsored by local real estate company Coldwell Banker King.

Terry King, president and CEO shared "This was the first year we've sponsored one of the bears, and we received so many compliments and so much great feedback from Autumn this year that we knew we wanted to make it a permanent part of the Coldwell Banker Family."

Thank you to those who made this happen. We are so happy our bear found a home with you all!

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Kaitlynn Lovelace Kaitlynn Lovelace


Housing Assistance Corporation's home repair department is seeking contractors and building tradespeople (carpentry, plumbing, masonry, electrical, roofing, grading, appliance repair) to bid on upcoming home repair and rehabilitation projects in Hen…

Housing Assistance Corporation's home repair department is seeking contractors and building tradespeople (carpentry, plumbing, masonry, electrical, roofing, grading, appliance repair) to bid on upcoming home repair and rehabilitation projects in Henderson, Polk, and Transylvania Counties. Please email stefanie@housing-assistance.com with W-9 and certificate of insurance coverage (worker's comp, auto, general liability) for your business!

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Ashlynn Landreth Ashlynn Landreth

The Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation Awards HAC $35,000!

We are pleased to announce, on December 15, 2018 the Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation awarded The Housing Assistance Corporation $35,000 in salary support for the Home Repair program. Since 1996, the Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation has awarded 1,913 grants on behalf of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas South Central Community, totaling more than $86,200,000 to organizations serving unserved or underserved populations.


The Housing Assistance Corporation is a private, non-profit organization committed to providing safe and affordable housing for persons of limited income living in Henderson County and surrounding areas, because we believe every human being deserves the opportunity to live in a decent home. The Home Repair Program offered by Housing Assistance provides home repairs for people of low income in Henderson, Polk, and Transylvania counties. In 2018, Housing Assistance was able to serve 130 households and make 131 repairs. If you are in need of home repair services or are interested in volunteering with this program please call 828-692-4744 ext. 107.


The Board of Directors and staff of The Housing Assistance Corporation would like to thank the Sisters of Mercy of North Carolina Foundation for their support in our home repair program and dedication to the residents of our area.


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Ashlynn Landreth Ashlynn Landreth

TEAM Day Success!

Every year the Henderson-Transylvania Home Builders Association holds the TEAM Day fundraiser for Housing Assistance's home repair program. This year's fundraiser was a great success and would not have been possible without the support of the corporate sponsor, GBS Building Supply, and all the members of the H.B.A. Thank you!

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Fundraising Ashlynn Landreth Fundraising Ashlynn Landreth

Cornhole for A Cause

Join us for a fun day of community and fundraising. Each of the following organizations have personally decorated a set of cornhole boards and they are ready for auction. Each pint of cider sold will go to benefit the Housing Assistance Corporation and its many programs. See y'all there!

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The 2018 Fundraiser House

Want to help and make a major difference in your community?

As many of you know safe and affordable housing is a major issue for our area, so this year H.A.C. is building a 'Fundraiser House' to help combat that issue. The House will be built using donated funds, material, and labor from individuals, organizations, and businesses within our community. The House will then be sold on the open market and the proceeds from that sale will go to Housing Assistance's multiple programs- which will serve around 120 people in our area. We are looking for volunteers to help with the build as well as monetary and material sponsors.

thank you to the following organizations and businesses to committing to the 2018 Fundraiser House. Your commitment will make a major difference in our community, so thank you!

Hendersonville, NC City Government- Lot Partnership
Mission Health- $5,000 Donation
Martin's Garden Care- Donated Landscaping Materials
Sherwin-Williams- Donated Exterior Paint
Aaron's Inc.- $1,000 Donation
LeavesOut of the Blueridge- Donated Guttering Material and Installation
Merrell Paint and Decorating- Donated Interior Paint and Design

This is our biggest fundraiser to date and it will not be possible without a bit of help. An investment in this project would be an investment in your community. If you want to become part of the solution please give Housing Assistance a call at 828-692-4744 ext. 109 or email ashlynn@housing-assistance.com

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Ashlynn Landreth Ashlynn Landreth

2018 Team Day Event

Each year The Hendersonville Home Builders Association gets together to help low income senior citizens in Henderson County with much needed home repairs. This year's event will be held at Southern Appalachian Brewery on Thursday, May 10th at 5:30pm. West First Wood Fired will be providing some awesome food and we’re super excited to announce the live music entertainment for this year, Aaron Burdett! 
Come out and socialize with home building industry leaders in our area, have some fun, and help Housing Assistance complete home repairs for elderly citizens in our community this year. We need your support! 
Tickets for the event are $25. Please email ashlynn@housing-assistance.com if you are interested in purchasing tickets.

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Ashlynn Landreth Ashlynn Landreth

Hops for Housing

On March 8th, Sanctuary Brewing and Housing Assistance Corporation will be hosting the "Hops for Housing" event and fundraiser. There will be an all day drink special, live music from Daniel Sage and Tessia, as well as a raffle to benefit affordable housing! Feel free to bring clothes and canned food to donate. Thank you Sanctuary Brewing for your continued support!  

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Kaitlynn Lovelace Kaitlynn Lovelace

Wingate University Volunteers with Home Repair program

On Saturday, January 20th Wingate University school of Pharmacy. Students replaced stairs outside, and put up handrails inside to address fall prevention needs. The university has another scheduled volunteer day on the 17th of February. 

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Kaitlynn Lovelace Kaitlynn Lovelace

Office Volunteer

HAC is looking for a consistent office volunteer for Mondays and Tuesdays. Volunteer duties would include basic clerical tasks, as well as greeting clients when they come in the door and on the phone. Applicants should have a passion for affordable housing, and be willing to learn about our services and programs to educate potential clients. 

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Ashlynn Landreth Ashlynn Landreth

Need More Information? Dial 2-1-1

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Did you know that United Way of North Carolina offers a free information and referral service to all 100 counties in NC? 2-1-1 can help you find many services and programs including housing and shelter, food, healthcare, employment, income, and utilities. If you need additional assistance or can't find what you are looking for dial 2-1-1  or visit https://www.nc211.org/find-help

As always the staff here at H.A.C. will be more than happy to assist you in any way, so feel free to give us a call as well at (828) 692-4744.


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Volunteering Ashlynn Landreth Volunteering Ashlynn Landreth



Are you wanting to help your community and its members, meet new people, and maybe learn a thing or two? Sign up today to volunteer with us! Whether you are an individual or a group, we would love to have you participate in our upcoming volunteer opportunities. Contact our volunteer coordinator today and sign up to make a difference! 

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